Interacting with the app

  • When using web applications, end-users don’t just type URLs and wait for the result
  • It is very common to have other forms of interactions
    • Following links
    • Filling in forms
    • Clicking buttons
      Each time the user navigates to a new page, or submits data do the server, a new request / response cycle starts

Link Widget

  • Links and Buttons have similar behaviors
  • Links can enclose other widgets
  • Visually more flexible than Buttons

On Click: Either submits a request to call an Action or navigates to a Screen Method property determines how data is submitted to the Server
Destination property can be set to a:

  • Screen Action
  • Destination

Button Widget

Navigate Screen Lifecycle

Uses HTTP GET Method

  • Requests a specific resource
  • Does not submit data to the server
    • Parameters are sent and displayed in the URL
    • Form Input values are not sent in the request
      Browser displays the Destination URL
      Link / Button Destination can be:
  • Target Screen
  • External URL

Submit Screen Lifecycle

Uses HTTP POST Method
Submits data to the server in the request

  • Upload a file
  • Send Form Input fields data

Browser shows URL of the Screen that handles the submit request
Link / Button Destination can be:

  • Screen Action (submits to current Screen)
  • Target Screen
  • External URL

With the Submit Method, the Destination can be a Screen Action
● Runs when the Button / Link is clicked
A Screen Action has a flow of statements that are executed in order
● Has access to all elements in the Screen scope
○ Widgets
○ Preparation elements
○ Screen Variables
● The last node of the Action has impact on the Screen lifecycle

Finishing the Screen Action

The last widget of a Screen Action flow greatly influences the lifecycle
There are several possibilities
● Stay on the same Screen
○ End, Download (of a file)
● Navigate to a Screen
○ Destination, Current Screen, External URL
● Raise an Exception

Submit to the current Screen

The application stays in the same Screen in both cases:

  • Preparation of the Screen runs
  • Entire Screen will be rebuilt
    What’s the difference?
  • End Node :: Values of Screen Variables and Widgets are preserved
  • Destination (Current Screen) (Chuyển hướng trang 203)
    ○ Values of Screen Variables and Widgets are reset to their default values

Download Widget

Allows the end-user to download a file

  • Can be saved
    Download widget properties
  • File Content: Expect binary data
  • File Name: Text of the file name
  • Save to Disk: Or just display the file
    Ends the Action Flow
  • There can be no other statements after it
  • Preparation does not run again


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